About Us

North Carolina Workforce Development Boards are empowered to make important decisions regarding funding and governance of employment and training services for individuals and businesses. The Southwestern Workforce Development Board is one of 23 Boards in North Carolina. Our board serves the counties of Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain.

The board is made up of volunteers from the public and private sector. They include representatives of local businesses, community organizations, educational institutions, organized labor, rehabilitation agencies, economic development offices and public employment services. A representative of the private sector serves as the board chair; by law, private-sector membership comprises at least 51 percent of the board.

Boards have many responsibilities which include oversight of the Career Centers — local offices where workforce development professionals from many agencies provide a broad range of employment and training services. Board members also develop strategic plans for the region, identify qualified training service providers, and much more.

For information on job listings, labor market information, and much more visit NCWorks.gov

Services and activities funded by the Southwestern Workforce Development Board are equal opportunity employers/programs.

The Southwestern Workforce Development Board is a unit of the Southwestern Commission Council of Governments.  Please visit regiona.org for more information on regional programs, projects and services provided through the Southwestern Commission.



The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides funds that support the program and activities of North Carolina’s Workforce Development Boards.  North Carolina’s WDBs are partnered with the North Carolina Division of Workforce Solutions (a division of the Department of Commerce) which is designated by the Governor to be the state administrative entity that receives funds under the federal WIOA. The program offers opportunities for adults, veterans, and youth.  Through the work at the local WDB level we help employers find the qualified talent they need to insure their business prospers.