Author Archives: susan
Real World Expo
Western North Carolina Real World Expo
Starting Strong
Who We Are
Part 2 of 5 short videos, this segment gives new board members a “helicopter view” of workforce development, and the need for new members to be committed, engaged and involved.
What We Do
Part 3 of 5 short videos, this segment highlights what Boards should do to think strategically, to create new partnerships, upgrade technologies, enhance innovation and engage volunteers.
How We Work
Part 4 of 5 short videos, this gives new members a close up view of where the rubber meets the road. Working beside other board members, executive directors and staff, you turn policy into practice.
Why We Serve
Part 5 of 5 short videos, this segment shares the stories that matter…how participation as a member can truly make a difference to those effected by workforce issues, and change lives in the community.